Our Struggle
Your Stories
Treatment Guidelines
Spread the Word
All You Who Hope
... and not by sight
This Cross I Embrace
Tucked Beneath His Wing
The Apostolate of Hannah's Tears
Help us Spread the Word
Statistics say that 1 in 6 women of child bearing age struggles with getting pregnant. Through our experience with infertility and in talking with other couples in this struggle we've found that it's very difficult for struggling couples to reach out for help. They can feel alone and cut off from even their closest friends and family. And when they do reach out no one is truly able to understand the deepness of their suffering.
- Our hope is to
- bring struggling couples together,
- inform them of Catholic teachings on treatments,
- and educate them on the available treatments accepted by the Church.
To help us just download the brochure below, make changes to the 'resources' section to customize for your area. Then distribute them at local churches, doctor's offices and anywhere else you can think of. Other places that might be able to help you hit a larger audience in your area are local pro-life organizations and Catholic radio stations. As people contact you consider starting a support group. You don't have to worry about formal meetings, just get together for dinner occasionally and let the talking come naturally.
Click here to download the brochure